Saturday, August 30, 2014

all wants, no needs...

Went in for one thing, mysteriously found $35 worth of stuff I "needed". (Not pictured: the extra cozy mens section shirt I am currently wearing.) Any way, there will definitely be a movie night tonight...


Side note:

I have given Chipotle a second chance to try unseasoned rice and hot salsa.
They have redeemed themselves.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Hot Little Biscuit...

Made a first time visit to Callie's today and it was the best decision I've made all week.
Cute mural and a 3 for $5 deal was enough to sell me though...

Black pepper bacon, cheese and chive, and blackberry jam filled. 
Perfection, just like their design.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


First time I've slept through the night here and still managed to drink 3 cups of coffee... 
Oh well! I am rested and happy and running out of cold brew.

Monday, August 25, 2014

just saying.

I could use a brunch date right about now... missing you, B

Saturday, August 23, 2014

all the taste tests...

The mother always told me never to get a job somewhere I would spend all of the money I made working. I am (finally!) employed and haven't spent any money there at all. 

(Un)fortunately, they feed me for free 


meditating on growth & psalms 72 : 7

sophomore 15

A Jeni's went in a few blocks north of the apartment. Some of the best black coffee ice cream I have ever had. Worth all $7 (and countless napkins).

stripes on stripes...

Living in t-shirts lately because it's a million degrees and college is for cozy clothes only. 
This new colorless choice is an obvious favorite.

gallery (dorm) wall...

Bringing a little truth and beauty to my barebones on-campus housing.

[ art by B, Hand Lettering Co. and Alexis Marie ]

crock pots are magical...

My first meal in the apartment was a lazy but delicious one. As it turns out, slow cookers are the best thing ever invented. Half a can of salsa, two chicken breasts, and 4 hours later I had this great meal and leftovers worth eating.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

bringing back the bangs...

Knew it would be a little while until my next haircut, so there was some serious trimming today!

Monday, August 11, 2014


While I may not agree with everything the man ever said, this could not have be phrased more eloquently....

“Hospitality means primarily the creation of free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place. It is not to bring men and women over to our side, but to offer freedom not disturbed by dividing lines.” - Henri Nouwen, Reaching Out

rainy road trip pick-me-up...

Thank you Jesus for Panera treats when I am soaked, hours away from home, and having a hard time counting my blessings.

it's in my genes...

A relaxing weekend at Nana's house was the perfect end to a summer full of travels and ventures.

She was kind enough to share some baby plants with me. 

(Even though she kind of owns me one after passing down weird toes, freckle-prone skin, and a lack of vertical height....)

Monday, August 4, 2014

we should be packing... (again...)

Tonight's sister bonding time included conversations about food... while eating food... while watching TV about food.
Fat and happy over here.

tampa lovin'

[  processed using M5 in VSCOcam  ]


Sunday, August 3, 2014

simple succulent terrarium...

I love little things, plants, little plants, and especially plants you can't kill. This is where succulents come in. (ALL of the succulent.) My appreciation for these little cacti relatives got the better of me this past spring, while I was in the drugstore buying easter candy to send in some packages... In the end, B got a live surprise in his mail. (There was a second little guy mailed after the first suffered from some serious neglect.) A little over watering later, and we had two dead succulents and one guilty boyfriend.

Last week we went searching for projects in Goodwill, and couldn't find much of a fixer upper or anything. I settled for two small, round glasses (total: $3) to give B a generous third chance on being a plant owner.

As succulents need very little water, your soil cannot stay too wet. Some planters have holes in the bottom to allow water to drain, but to put holes in these glasses would be very involved. A thick layer of rocks however, gives the same draining effect.

One week later and they are still alive and enjoying their corner of B's desk!

winter park...

A new Florida city explored and added to the list of favorites!

  1. Rifle Paper Co. - Duh. Why else do you think I wanted to go...? Just kidding! (Sort of.) But it was perfect and I can die happy now.
  2. Rollins College - Had to hit a school. It's like an unspoken out of town day date requirement at this point...
  3. Downtown - Parks, restaurants, shopping, etc. They have it all! We were lucky enough to make it down on a Saturday in time for the seasonal farmer's market.
  4. East End Market - You have been warned; the cold brew from Lineage has about 89325 times more caffeine than mine does.

mural hunting...

Made a St. Pete stop to hit the Florida Holocaust Museum and find rad street art en route to the beach.

So much love for the murals and their unexpected presence of aesthetic pleasure amidst urban surroundings.